Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring time fun!!!

Pe-paw loves to drop in and surprise the boys! He has taught them how to make silly faces at the camera... thanks Pe-paw : )

Giddy up Pe-paw!

This night (March 20th) 8 years ago, was our first night as a married couple! I am so thankful for the past 8 years... some how it doesn't seem like its been that long ago... Happy Anniversary!!!!

Here's part of the gang that came to run/support "Team Piper" at the Knoxville Marathon April 1, 2012 (I honestly didn't meet the first guy to the left, but the rest of us are... Andrew Edwards, Justin, myself, Kelly Nichols, Justin Koozer, and Walt Nichols) Team Piper was created in honor of Piper Koozer (Justin and Annie Koozer's daugher) to raise awareness about Aicardi Syndrome.
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