Friday, May 7, 2010

The progress of Kaleb's foot

For those of you who may not know, Kaleb was born with his left foot "club." Basically this means that either it was caused by being stuck in the wrong position in the womb or developing that way from the start- we aren't 100% sure which. Either way, it was a condition that needed fixing! The orthopedic doctor decided the best decision was to treat it as a true club foot. The outline of treatment was to put his left foot in a cast for 6 to 8 weeks (changing it once a week to allow for growth and to check progress) then, to do a minor surgery called a tenadomy (where they cut his Achilles tendon) and put him back in a cast for approx. 4 weeks. After that he would go into a brace that he will wear 27/7 (except for baths) until he starts to crawl, at which point he will wear it only at night. We thankfully only ended up having 5 weeks of Kaleb being in the regular casts and another 3 weeks after the tenadomy. He has been in the brace a little over 3 weeks now and is doing just great! He has handled this whole process much better than most babies from what we hear and were prepared for... in fact, he is already turning over from his back to belly! We are so thankful for such a sweet, happy spirited little boy!

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